© 2022 American Payroll Institute, Inc. Local Minimum Wage Rate Changes Effective July 1 Many cities and counties have enacted their own minimum wage laws and ordinances in the absence of legislation to increase the federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour). Several localities have minimum wage rates that increased July 1 or are otherwise scheduled to increase mid- year (this updates APA’s Guide to State Payroll Laws, §1.1). In California, local minimum wage increases also impact garnishment limits for employees working in those locations (see APA’s Guide to State Payroll Laws, §7.1). In parts of California without a local minimum wage, the state minimum wage rates for large and small employers apply. The following chart provides city and county minimum wage rates and tip credit amounts that changed effective July 1, 2022 (unless otherwise indicated). Definitions are included in the footnotes. State minimum wage rates that increased mid-year were published in PAYSTATE UPDATE, Issue 13, Vol. 24. Local Minimum Wage Increases Effective July 1, 2022 City/County/State Minimum Wage Prior to July 1 Minimum Wage Eff. July 1, 2022 Tip Credit Prior to July 1 Tip Credit Eff. July 1, 2022 Tucson, AZ $12.801 state minimum wage $13.00* *April 1 $3.001 state tip credit $3.00* *April 1 Alameda, CA $15.00 $15.75 prohibited Berkeley, CA $16.32 $16.99 prohibited Emeryville, CA $16.84 $17.13 prohibited Foster City, CA $15.00 state large employers2 $15.753 all employers3 prohibited $14.00 state small employers2 Fremont, CA $15.25 large employers2 $16.00 all employers4 prohibited $15.00 small employers2 Long Beach, CA hotel workers5 $15.68 hotel workers5 $16.73 hotel workers5 prohibited Los Angeles, CA city $15.00 $16.04 prohibited $17.64 hotel workers6 $18.17 hotel workers6 Los Angeles, CA county $15.00 $15.96 prohibited Malibu, CA $15.00 $15.96 prohibited Milpitas, CA $15.65 $16.40 prohibited Pasadena, CA $15.00 $16.11 prohibited San Francisco, CA $16.32 $16.99 prohibited $14.44 government-supported employees7 $15.03 government-supported employees7 Santa Monica, CA $15.00 $15.96 prohibited $17.64 hotel employees2 $18.17 hotel employees2 July 18, 2022 Volume 24 Issue 14
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